Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beast "Shadow" MV review

Beast, or B2st, is a six member boy group who entered the scene of k-pop in 2009. The group was called "The group of recycled material" as they all had been in the industry before, but with no success and later formed the group to gain more attention than a lot of other groups.

Now the boys have made a comeback with their song "Shadow". A very dark looking song, but with a catchy beat. Though the video reminds me of an other song, it doesn't disappoint, and it's a song i will be listening to in the future.

Starting of with the singing.
The boys all have great vocals, and even the rapper, who usually is the person with the worst voice, has a great raspy sound that is pleasant to listen to. They all seem to have powerful voices, but in this song they seem more smooth. Their power can still be heard though. It lingers in the shadows of their smooth voices, waiting to get out. This makes the song better to listen to, as it makes them more special than just the average singing ability, that they could fool you to think they had.
There is a usage of small, fast high notes, and this gives the song a little definition, as it very fast could sound like an ordinary, and somehow boring song. But these small high notes, and the powerful voices lurking takes the singing out of the ordinary and into the world of Beast. They know how to make a song theirs, and that is literally what they did with this one. It could have been boring, ordinary and dull, but because of the way they performed they lifted the song up on a different level, that made it great.
The singing is very calm and there isn't really a difference in the song. There isn't a break down that pumps the song up, but it really isn't necessary either, as the feeling of the song and the somewhat calm voices wouldn't match a break down. The song doesn't need anything to hype up the atmosphere. It works well to let it be and only let the chorus be different, even though it isn't really that different. There is just a little chance, but that little change makes the chorus catchy and easy to follow, bobbing your head and singing "shadow" together with them.

Moving on to the video.
The video reminds an awful lot of Vixx "hyde" as there is a usage of skulls with worms, snakes and the overall theme seems very much alike. The theme of something "evil" being inside of someone is also something both videos have in common, but i don't seem to mind that they seem similar. They are alike, but they somehow aren't.
Beast used a lot of mirroring, which gives the whole MV a very artistic feel to it, as it is used with thought. At some point the dancer (seen in the picture) makes a jump and the mirror effect makes him disappear, which is a very clever usage of this effect.
Also is there the whole theme of everything being black and white: the clothes, the lighting, body paint and more. This could be a symbol of a mix between the good and evil - the shadow that lives inside us all. Also the fact that one of the members shadow moves out of rhythm with him, and he gets all white eyes could give the same symbol of a darker force being inside of him.

There is two other people in the video except for the members. One of them dances, and this is very original o bring in an other dancer. Especially one who dances contemporary. He is very talented and he is the one who brings the level of the dance in the video up. The members also dances, but their dance seems easy to follow and after a couple of times of seeing the main steps i found myself dancing along a little. This decision of using someone else than one of the members to dance the difficult part was nice to see. Not using the main dancer of the group was a nice change.
The contemporary dance is great. It fits the theme a lot, but also the body paint gives a feeling to the dance, and makes it all the more fantastic.
The boys dancing is also great. Though it is not contemporary dance it is still very nice. They live fully up to their dancing skills, though they have done better (look at "shock" or "breath"). The dance fits the song, but i personally thought it was a little sad that they didn't show more of it. What was shown was almost to simple. It was fun to dance to, but it didn't seem to give any difficulty to learn. It didn't show of their skills in dancing, that we all know they have.

What do you think? was it to much like "Hyde"? Was the dancing great? let me know <3

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